Gloucester Town Square
Here is a list of companies in Gloucester, Mathews, Middlesex and the town of West Point that secured defense contracts in 2011. The list is compiled by The Center for Security Policy, an entity that identifies itself as a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization.
The Center for Security Policy compiled the list to give estimates of the potential local economic effects of the 10-year, $500 billion in cuts to America’s defense budget under sequestration.
Zimmerman Marine, Mathews, Ship building and repairing — $106,755
Ocean Products Research Inc., Mathews, Rope, cordage and twine mills — $1,578,968
CSL Enterprises, Gloucester, Books/Printing — $750
Gloucester Orthopaedic Clinic, Gloucester, Health practitioner offices — $283,430
Ordinary Associates, P.C., Gloucester, Physicians — $276,455
Wjohnson LLC, Gloucester, Fish and seafood wholesaler- – $664,673
Slavnik Inc., Gloucester Point, Truck trailer manufacturing — $5,589
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences — $244,712
Middlesex Bottled Gas Inc., Middlesex, Liquefied petroleum gas dealers — $31,832
17 Machinery LLC, Gloucester, All other miscellaneous general purpose machinery manufacturing — $669,846
Advanced Finishing Systems, Gloucester, Electroplating, plating, polishing, anodizing and coloring — $125,357
Air Care Inc., Gloucester, Surgical appliance and supplies manufacturing — $25,106
Renner’s Relocations, Gloucester, Used household and office goods moving — $9,080
Kellum & Co., Middlesex, Commercial and institutional building construction — $21,000
The W.C. Burroughs Co., Mathews, Machine tool (metal cutting types) manufacturing — $1,877,271
Curtis Contracting, West Point, Commercial and institutional building Construction — $887,850
International Training Inc., West Point, Other management consulting services — $3,062,233
Total 2011 defense contract amounts for Gloucester, Mathews, Middlesex and West Point: $9,870,907
This article can be read here:,0,7069778.story