One of our Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson recognized the need for a well informed electorate, remarking:
“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.”
Please use the following pages to inform yourself regarding defense issues of crucial importance.
- FAQs
- 8/8/12 Washington sounds the sequester alarm: How much would be cut and when (Star Tribune)
- 7/12/12 Sequester’s Shadow on the Defense Industrial Base (Defending Defense)
- 4/18/12 Sequestration Resource Kit (House Armed Services Committee)
- 3/7/12 The Aerospace and Defense Industry in the U.S. (Second to None/Deloitte)
- 3/5/12 FPI Fact Sheet: The Dangers of Deep Defense Cuts: What America’s Civilian and Military Leaders are Saying (Foreign Policy Initiative)
- 3/1/12 Obama’s Defense Budget Makes Protecting America Its Lowest Priority (Heritage)
- 2/13/12 2013 Defense Budget Docs (Department of Defense)
- 2/7/12 Senate Initiative Would Block Blow to Military Readiness (Heritage)
- 12/6/11 Defense Budget is Being Cut Any Way You Look at It (Heritage)
- 10/25/11 The U.S. Economic Impact of Approved and Projected DOD Spending Reductions on Equipment in 2013 (Second to None)
- 9/23/11 Budget analysis (House Armed Services Committee)