- 8/7/2013 News Times Blumenthal, DeLauro visit Sikorsky, blast sequestration, deal for Russian copters
- 8/7/2013 CT Post Officials’ Sikorsky tour underscores defense cuts
- 6/5/2013 Gloucester Times Gorton’s, local firms feel sequester’s pinch
- 5/9/2013 San Antonio Express News Obama promises ‘manufacturing revolution in the U.S.
- 5/9/2013 The Houston Chronicle Obama says he’ll take action on economy if Congress won’t
- 3/12/2013 CT Post Report: state could lose $900 million in defense
- 3/10/2013 Greenwich Time Sequestration threatens Connecticut’s defense industry
- 3/9/2013 Minneapolis Star Tribune Defense firms face hit from budget cuts
- 3/1/2013 The Examiner Defense cuts hit states and local economies, Georgia affected
- 2/26/2013 The Delaware County Daily Times Big cuts looming due to sequestration
- 2/26/2013 Star-Telegram North Texas braces for defense cuts
- 2/26/2013 Florida Today Brevard could feel bigger sting from budget cuts than other communities
- 2/24/2013 The State Military budget cuts would cost S.C. thousands of jobs
- 2/21/2013 Reynolds Center Business Journalism Inside sequestration: Find local stories in pending federal budget cuts
- 2/9/2013 The Star Tribune Congress careening toward the next fiscal crisis
- 1/14/2013 The Financial Times Defense Cuts Could Burst the D.C. Business Bubble
- 1/13/2013 Orlando Sentinel Regions firms may avoid worst of cuts
- 1/2/2013 Pacific Business News Panetta praises Congress for delaying military spending cuts
- 1/2/2013 Gloucester Times Local businesses hanging on ‘cliff’ talks
- 12/29/2012 Bloomberg Businessweek Defense contractors mum as nation nears ‘fiscal cliff’ [Fort Worth Star-Telegram]
- 12/21/2012 Pacific Business News Defense Secretary Leon Panetta releases memo on impact of fiscal cliff
- 12/19/2012 WZZM 13 ‘Fiscal cliff’ and Michigan government suppliers
- 12/17/2012 Business First Military spending means more than $4 billion to Louisville area
- 12/17/2012 The Orange County Register ‘Cliff’ event would likely put state in recession
- 12/17/2012 Las Vegas Review-Journal Defense cuts bode ill for Nevada
- 12/11/2012 The St. Louis Beacon Projections of state ‘fiscal cliff’ losses are speculative but instructive
- 12/9/2012 The Gloucester Daily Times Mass. facing greater impact of ‘fiscal cliff’
- 12/01/2012 The San Francisco Chronicle ‘Fiscal cliff’ cuts would hit state hard
- 11/26/2012 Las Vegas Review-Journal POLITICAL EYE: Business leaders fear consequences of ‘fiscal cliff’
- 11/17/2012 Kennebec Journal ‘Fiscal cliff’ threatens every Maine taxpayer
- 11/16/2012 Alabama Live Sequestration could have more than $2.5 billion impact to Alabama’s economy
- 11/9/2012 The Daily Progress Local impact of potential defense cuts discussed
- 11/9/2012The Detroit News Obama faces decisions vital to Michigan’s future
- 11/5/2012 St. Louis Business Journal Top St. Louis area defense contractors
- 11/5/2012 Santa Barbara Independent Capps and Sequestration
- 11/4/2012 Kitsap Sun Navy, contractors have much to lose if automatic cuts kick in
- 10/24/2012 The Desert Dispatch Military sequestration: Barstow schools, economy face hit from looming defense cuts
- 10/23/2012 The Detroit News Michigan defense firms brace for job cuts
- 10/22/2012 Las Vegas Review-Journal Businesses fear defense cutbacks
- 10/21/2012 Victorville Daily Press Schools, economy face hit from looming defense cuts
- 10/11/2012 Governing Military Communities Brace for Sequestration Cuts
- 10/11/2012 My High Plains Automatic Spending Cuts Could Affect Bell Helicopter
- 10/11/2012 Roll Call Contractors Ignore GOP Warnings on Layoffs
- 10/10/2012 Bloomberg Businessweek Defense budget cut ‘equals devastation,’ Bell chief says
- 10/10/2012 Minot Daily News GOP criticizes Heitkamp donation acceptance in Senate race
- 10/9/2012 Star Telegram Defense budget cut ‘equals devastation,’ Bell chief says
- 10/9/2012 Press Citizen Pro-military group says defense budget cuts could cost 5,000 Iowa jobs
- 10/8/2012 Biz 570 Center analyzes local impact of defense cuts
- 10/3/2012 Ahwatukee Foothills News Boeing braces for federal reduction in aerospace, defense spending
- 9/30/2012 Fox News Defense cuts poised to deal billions of dollars in damage to contractor-heavy states
- 9/30/2012 The Gazette What’s at the bottom of the fiscal cliff for Iowa?
- 9/27/2012 Daily Press Local companies watching defense cuts
- 9/26/2012 Pacific News Center Center for Security Policy: Sequestration Could Threaten Guam Defense Contracts
- 9/26/2012 Canada Free Press Make Sequestration Work For Country Not Destroy It
- 9/25/2012 Daily Republic Defense spending cuts could hurt Solano
- 9/22/2012 Portland Press Herald Potential cutbacks put defense jobs under the gun
- 9/21/2012 Sacramento Business Journal Sacramento companies at risk from defense cuts
- 9/21/2012 Florida Today Contractors on the brink
- 9/19/2012 Parabolic Arc Guest Opinion: Sequestration Cuts Would Devastate Space Coast Economy
- 9/19/2012 Arizona News Zap Arizona defense industry looks warily toward ‘fiscal cliff’ of year-end cuts
- 9/19/2012 Glouchester Times Defense cuts could hip Cape Ann companies
- 9/19/2012 InsideNova Region could lose billions if Congress fails to act
- 9/19/2012 Rockford Register Star Defense Sequestration Economic Impacts on Local Region
- 9/18/2012 L.A. Biz Southern California counties at risk on defense cuts
- 9/18/2012 Imperial Beach Patch Military Spending Cuts Loom Over Imperial Beach Companies, Report Suggests
- 9/18/2012 Public Opinion Federal contracts in jeopardy across Franklin County
- 9/18/2012 Sacramento Business Journal California counties most at risk from defense cuts
- 9/17/2012 Work It, Cville Report: Defense spending cuts could hit local economy
- 9/17/2012 Tucson Sentinel AZ defense industry looks warily toward ‘fiscal cliff’
- 9/17/2012 Redondo Beach Patch Sequestration Ax Looms Over Redondo Beach, Report Suggests
- 9/17/2012 Gloucester Town Square Lower Middle Peninsula scores nearly $10 million in defense contracts
- 9/17/2012 Cronkite News Boeing braces for federal reduction in aerospace, defense spending
- 9/17/2012 Vermont Digger Federal budget cuts could have impact on Vermont defense contractors in coming decade
- 9/17/2012 Palos Verdes Patch Sequestration Ax Looms Over Palos Verdes, Report Suggests
- 9/17/2012 The Daily Progress Defense spending could face large loss from federal cuts
- 9/14/2012 Gloucester Town Square Lower Middle Peninsula scores nearly $10 million in defense contracts
- 9/14/2012 Watsonville Patch Sequestration Ax Looms Over Watsonville Companies, Report Suggests
- 9/13/2012 Boston Herald Report shows impact of defense cuts by district
- 9/13/2012 The State Journal Cuts to defense spending could affect local economies
- 9/13/2012 Lemon Grove Patch Sequestration Ax Looms Over 5 Lemon Grove Companies, Report Suggests
- 9/13/2012 South Florida Business Journal $191 million in South Florida defense contracts could be cut
- 9/13/2012 Providence Business News Cuts in defense, Medicare could mean fewer jobs for R.I.
- 9/13/2012 La Mesa-Mount Helix Patch Sequestration Ax Looms Over 6 La Mesa Companies, Report Suggests
- 9/13/2012 Tampa Bay Business Journal Defense cuts could have $2.4 billion impact in Florida
- 9/13/2012 Santee Patch Pentagon Budget Cuts Could Affect 23 Santee Companies, Report Suggests
- 9/13/2012 Delco Times Defense industry in Delco could see huge cuts
- 9/12/2012 Lexington Patch Report: Sequestration Could Cost Midlands $75 Million-Plus
- 9/12/2012 Dayton Business Jorunal Group posts Congressional reports to illustrate defense cuts
- 9/12/2012 Nashville Business Journal How hard would defense cuts hit Tennessee?
- 9/12/2012 North Charleston Patch Report: Sequestration Could Cost Lowcountry $173M
- 9/12/2012 Vermont Biz Center releases Vermont congressional district reports on Defense sequestration economic impacts
- 9/12/2012 Low Country Biz South Carolina Center releases SC Congressional District Reports on Defense Sequestration Economic Impacts
- 9/12/2012 Bloomberg Businessweek Report shows impact of defense cuts by district
- 9/11/2012 The Dispatch and the Rock Island Argus Editorial: Remove budget bullet, pledge to make hard choices
- 8/24/2012 Executive Gov Study: Virginia Contractors, Minority-Owned Businesses in Sequestration Firing Line
- 8/22/2012 Navy Times Report Shows Business Impact of Defense Cuts
- 8/22/2012 New Mexico Business Weekly See the 700+ NM Companies That Got Defense Contracts in FY11
- 8/22/2012 Army Times Report Shows Business Impact of Defense Cuts
- 8/22/2012 Marine Corps Times Report Shows Business Impact of Defense Cuts
- 8/22/2012 Federal Times Report: Virginia’s Defense Contractors Have Most to Lose Under Sequestration
- 8/22/2012 Paulding County Republican Examiner Center Released New Reports Detailing Defense Spending by Congressional District
- 8/22/2012 Quad-Cities Online Defense Cuts Could Cost Quad-Cities Businesses $31 Million
- 8/22/2012 Fort Wayne Journal Gazette Area Defense Contractors Gird for More Cuts
- 8/22/2012 Defense News Report Details Which States Have Most to Lose Under Sequestration
- 8/22/2012 Navy Times Report shows business impact of defense cuts
- 7/22/2012 The News Tribune Defense spending in middle of ‘sequestration’
- 7/18/2012 Conservative Commandos Travis Korson on sequestration, economic consequences, defense breakdown reports
- 7/18/2012 St. Joseph News-Press Senators look for way around automatic military cuts
- 7/16/12 Great Falls Tribune Rep. Denny Rehberg: What automatic defense cuts mean for Great Falls
- 7/14/12 Reading Eagle Coalition Warns of Military Cuts
- 7/7/12 Las Vegas Review-Journal Nevada faces devastating defense cuts, Heck warns
- 6/18/12 Post and Courrier Drastic Action Needed Before Washington Acts on Military Cuts, Graham Says
- 6/12/12 The Boston Globe ‘Meat Ax’ Looms In Form Of Defense Budget-Cutting Mechanism
- 6/11/12 Concerned Veterans for America Army Early Outs: ‘Rightsizing’ or Degrading Force Capabilities?
- 6/11/12 The Garden Island Defense Budget Cuts and Hawai’i
- 6/11/12 Hartford Business Commercial Aerospace to Buoy CT Manufacturing
- 6/10/12 Human Events Top Five States Affected By Sequestration
- 6/9/12 Ventura County Star Study Suggests Proposed Military Cuts Could Hit Ventura County Hard
- 6/8/12 Inside Tucson Business Arizona Could Take $2.1 B Hit From Defense Cuts
- 6/8/12 Rockford Register Star Illinois Could Lose Jobs Due to Defense Budget Cuts
- 6/7/12 Sun Sentinel South Florida Military Contractors Prepare for Budget Cuts
- 6/7/12 Orlando Business Journal Report Shows Mandated Defense Budget Cuts’ Impact in Florida
- 6/7/12 Suffolk News-Herald Figures Crunched on Defense Cuts
- 6/7/12 News of the Day Defense Cuts Looming–Again
- 6/7/12 Jacksonville Business Journal Defense Budget Cuts Affect Florida Counties
- 6/7/12 Salem-News How Will the 2013 Defense Budget Cuts Affect Oregon?
- 6/7/12 Baltimore Business Journal Maryland Defense Industry Could Lose $2.9B in Revenue, Report Says
- 6/6/12 Northern Nevada Business Daily Defense Impact
- 6/6/12 New Mexico Business Weekly Bad News for New Mexico if Defense Cuts Take Effect
- 6/6/12 Phoenix Business Journal Arizona Defense Industry Could Face $2.1 Billion in Cuts
- 6/6/12 CT Post Job Losses Looming From Sequestration as Gridlock Grips Congress
- 5/11/12 CNS News Golf Carts and Paper Plates: Will Military Cuts Force Us To Use Carter Era Military Training Techniques?
- 4/16/12 GovConExec Magazine Best Defense?
- 4/9/12 Crain’s New York Business Defense Contractors Brace For Military Spending Cuts
- 2/29/12 Wall Street Shuffle 1190AM KFXR Defense Cut Impacts
- 2/26/12 Grand Forks Herald N.D. not exempt from planned defense cuts
- 2/25/12 Rockford Register Star Area’s hit from military cuts in Obama plan may top $14M
- 2/24/12 Des Moines Register Would Des Moines Air Guard unit be best served by a new direction?
- 2/24/12 DefPro News If Unemployment Benefits Stimulate the Economy, What About Defense Spending?
- 2/23/12 Canada Free Press How Will The 2013 Defense Budget Cuts Affect America’s Economy?
- 2/23/12 Right Side News How Will The 2013 Defense Budget Cuts Affect America’s Economy?
- 2/21/12 Ridgecrest Daily Independent Defense cuts could have impact on business in the state
- 2/21/12 Money Radio 1510 Business for Breakfast
- 2/17/12 The New Political Obama’s Proposed Budget May Mean Trouble for Industries
- 2/17/12 Patriot Post Obama Plans To Defend America… With Less Defense
- 2/16/12 Conservative Commandos Radio Show
- 2/15/12 Roll Call Group Paints Grim Picture of Defense Cut Effects
- 2/15/12 Journal Gazette Defense cuts risk loss of $155 million
- 2/15/12 Birmingham Business Journal Report: Defense cuts could have $61M impact on JeffCo
- 2/15/12 WSOY-AM Byers&Co.
- 2/14/12 KTVD Denver Center’s Defense Breakdown Reports
- 2/14/12 KFSM Arkansas Center’s Defense Breakdown Reports
- 2/14/12 Washington Free Beacon Obama Budget Slashes Defense
- 2/14/12 Denver Post Colorado defense firms could lose millions of dollars in Obama budget plan
- 2/14/12 Salem-News How Will the 2013 Defense Budget Cuts Affect Oregon?
- 2/2/12 Ruthfully Yours Center for Security Policy: Potential Economic Impacts of Proposed Defense Cuts
- 2/2/12 Time Stake This (Defense) Job and Love It
- 2/1/12 Fox News Live Fred Grandy on Center’s new Defense Cut Economic Breakdown Reports
- 2/1/12 DoD Buzz Your Piece of the Sequestration Pie
- 2/1/12 Aviation Week Pentagon Spending — Where it Winds Up
- 2/1/12 Right Side News Center Releases Reports: Potential Economic Impacts of Proposed Defense Cuts
- 2/1/12 Politico Morning Defense
- 1/6/12 Voice of America Obama Sets Plan for ‘Leaner’ Military
- 1/6/12 Canada Free Press Center for Security Policy Calls for a Return to ‘Peace through Strength’
- 11/17/11 Roll Call Defense Industry Prepares to Defend Itself
- 11/15/11 Examiner.com Tele-town hall call with Newt Gingrich; moderated by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
- 10/6/11 Daily Caller Defense hawks appeal for tea party opposition to additional military spending cuts
- October 2013
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