Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring



Ralph Reed, Century Strategies



Lt. Gen. Benjamin Mixon, US Army (Ret.)



John McLaughlin, Secure America Now



Bob Feidler, Reserve Officers Association



Question and Answer, Frank Gaffney and Tom Donnelly


Defense and the Constitution: Saving the Military from Washington

Wednesday, September 21st at 2:30pm.


The Reserve Officers Association, Symposium Room
One Constitution Avenue, NE Washington D.C. 20002

Panelists Included:

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., Center for Security Policy
Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring
Bob Feidler, Reserve Officers Association
Thomas Donnelly, American Enterprise Institute
John McLaughlin, Secure America Now
Allen Roth, Secure America Now
Ralph Reed, Faith & Freedom Coalition
Lt. Gen. Benjamin Mixon, US Army (retired) 

Cuts to the national security budget have emerged as a central issue in the ongoing debate surrounding the deliberations of the “supercommittee” established by the debt ceiling legislation enacted in August (the “Budget Control Act”) .  The “Coalition for the Common Defense,” a new coalition committed to the Constitutional imperative to “provide for the common defense” and returning the United States to sensible fiscal principles without sacrificing its national security, held a briefing to consider the impact of potential defense budget cuts to our overall national security posture.  The panel discussed public and Tea Party attitudes regarding defense spending, as well as its constitutional context. Visit the coalition at