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Veterans for a Strong America is a non-partisan action organization dedicated to educating the public, members of Congress and the Executive Branch about the importance of growing the world’s strongest, most robust economy, strengthening and modernizing America’s Armed Forces, implementing a common-sense national energy policy, implementing responsible intelligence reform and strengthening the ability of America’s law enforcement agencies to prosecute terrorism on a global battlefield; all in the name of keeping America safe and strong.

They are also mobilizing veterans and veterans’ supporters as advocates in the public policy process. We are doing this by partnering supporters with respected economists, military veterans, intelligence community leaders, and experienced former law enforcement officials.

Veterans for a Strong America is prepared to arm Americans with the facts about the state of our national security, equip Americans with the tools needed to engage elected members of Congress and officials in the White House, and motivate Americans by asking them to rally around us with the just nature of our cause – to keep America strong.